Working full time with a baby in general can be a difficult balancing act but with the added stress of shelter in place, this balancing act can be even more challenging. As you know, babies require interaction and attention. Working full time, you may even result to some YouTube kids entertainment, but sometimes that doesn't even hold them down. Many parents do not have childcare at this time or maybe even a partner. Although it is little consolation, you are not alone in this. Parents everywhere are struggling with this balancing act.

During this time, the first step to get through this is manage expectations. With a child so young, it isn't possible to hop on Zoom meetings on demand and uninterrupted. You can't negotiate with your baby, but you can negotiate with your team and boss. Start opening the conversation with your team on adjusting your schedule and communicate often. Try to think of a sustainable arrangement prior to the conversation. This may mean waking up a little earlier or staying up a little later to snag a few minutes of work and scheduling your meetings and projects that take tremendous focus during nap time.
Ultimately, we are all going through this virus together and making it up as we go. If your baby makes some cameos during virtual meetings, it is to be expected and even endearing! Most importantly, be kind to yourself and remember that this is all temporary.